Pistolet Gbb Glock 19X # 2.6459 Répliques De Poing Airsoft
Pistolet Gbb Glock 19X # 2.6459 Répliques De Poing Airsoft
Pistolet Gbb Glock 19X # 2.6459 Répliques De Poing Airsoft

Pistolet GBB Glock 19X

Glock Airsoft
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Actuellement 1 exemplaire(s) en stock *

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GLOCK describes the G19X as its first “crossover pistol”. It combines the full-sized frame of the G17 with the compact slide of the G19. A new feature is the color, Coyote, which distinguishes this pistol from other models.

Optically, the gas-operated airsoft version is hardly distinguishable from the original. But instead of 9x19 ammunition, it uses 6 mm BBs, which are precisely driven through the barrel thanks to the externally adjustable shoot-up. The slide is made of top-quality metal, delivers a clearly noticeable recoil thanks to powerful blowback. The magazine has a capacity of 22 rounds and GLOCK-typical accessories can be attached to the rail.

Technical data
Energy level (E₀) < 1.0 J
Caliber 6 mm BB
Power source Gas
Magazine capacity 22 rounds
Safety Automatic Trigger Safety
Shoot-Up adjustable
Length 189 mm
Weight 630 g
Recommended BBs 0,20 g
Holster type A

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