Pistolet S&w M&p9 M2.0 T4E Cal.43 # 2.4767 Lanceurs De Poing
Pistolet S&w M&p9 M2.0 T4E Cal.43 # 2.4767 Lanceurs De Poing
Pistolet S&w M&p9 M2.0 T4E Cal.43 # 2.4767 Lanceurs De Poing

Pistolet S&W M&P9 M2.0 T4E cal.43

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Actuellement 2 exemplaire(s) en stock *

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M&P is the Smith & Wesson abbreviation for Military & Police. This is the designation reserved for guns used by tactical officers and others for self-defense.

The M&P9 M2.0 is a good example. The CO₂-powered T4E version is the corresponding high-end training gun. Police and security services can use it for practicing routine operations. Authentic dimensions and functional elements, plus a convincing recoil, provide for extremely realistic handling even without live ammunition. The M&P9 M2.0 T4E fires .43-caliber roundball T4E ammunition. It shares many features with the original: trigger safety, Picatinny rail and adjustable sights. The optional Quick Piercing Magazine provides an instant operational readiness.

Suitable for all T4E Roundballs in cal. .43

Technical data
Caliber .43
Energy level (E₀) < 5.0 J
Magazine capacity 8 rounds
Shot capacity 40 rounds
Power source 1x 12 g CO₂
Trigger Single Action
Safety Automatic Trigger Safety
Length 185 mm
Weight 765 g
Holster type A, D

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